
import numpy as np

def nodal_total_force(mesh): “”” Compute total force as sum of internal, external and damping force.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for node in mesh.nodes:
    # Total force
    node.f_total = node.f_int + node.f_ext + node.f_damp

def nodal_acceleration_velocity(mesh, dt): “”” Compute nodal acceleration as :math:a = f / m and v += a * dt

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for node in mesh.nodes:
    # Total force
    f_total = node.f_int + node.f_ext + node.f_damp
    # Accleration 
    node.acc =  f_total / node.mass if node.mass > 0 else 0.
    # Velocity
    node.velocity += node.acc * dt

def nodal_velocity(mesh): “””Compute nodal velocity as :math:v = mv / m.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for node in mesh.nodes:
    if(node.mass > 0.):
        node.velocity = node.momentum / node.mass

def fix_nodal_bc_momentum(mesh): “””Set momentum and velocity to zero on specific boundary nodes.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for nid in mesh.boundary_nodes:
    mesh.nodes[nid].momentum = 0
    mesh.nodes[nid].velocity = 0

def fix_nodal_bc_force(mesh): “””Set nodal force to zero on specific boundary nodes.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for nid in mesh.boundary_nodes:
    mesh.nodes[nid].f_total = 0

def momentum_in_nodes(mesh, dt): “””Compute momentum in nodes. :math:mv += force * dt

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for node in mesh.nodes:
    node.momentum += node.f_total * dt

def nodal_momentum(mesh): “”” Update nodal momentum :math:(mv)_i = \sum_p N_i(x_p) * m_p * v_p.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for node in mesh.nodes:
    node.momentum = 0
for el in mesh.elements:
    for prtcl in el.particles:
        for i in range(el.nnodes):
            el.nodes[i].momentum += prtcl.mass * prtcl.velocity * prtcl.shapefn[i]

def reset_nodal_values(mesh): “””Reset nodal values at the end of the iteration. Reset mesh. “”” for node in mesh.nodes: node.reset_values()

def particle_strain_increment(mesh,dt): “”” Particle strain increment. Compute strain based on nodal velocity.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for particle in mesh.particles:

def particle_velocity(mesh, dt): “”” Compute particle velocity transfer nodal velocity to particle. :math:v_p += \sum_i N_i(x_p) * {f_{total}}_i/m_i * dt.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for el in mesh.elements:
    for prtcl in el.particles:
        for i in range(el.nnodes):
            prtcl.velocity += el.nodes[i].f_total/el.nodes[i].mass * prtcl.shapefn[i] * dt

def particle_position(mesh, dt): “”” Compute particle position based on nodal momentum to particle. :math:x_p += \sum_i N_i(x_p) * {mv}_i/m_i * dt.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for el in mesh.elements:
    for prtcl in el.particles:
        for i in range(el.nnodes):
            prtcl.x += el.nodes[i].momentum/el.nodes[i].mass * prtcl.shapefn[i] * dt

def particle_position_velocity(mesh, dt): “”” Compute particle position and velocity based on nodal velocity. :math:x_p += \sum_i N_i(x_p) * v_i and particle position :math:x_p += v_p * dt.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
    dt: float
        time step
for el in mesh.elements:
    for prtcl in el.particles:
        prtcl.velocity = 0
        for i in range(len(el.nodes)):
            prtcl.velocity += prtcl.shapefn[i] * el.nodes[i].velocity
        prtcl.x += prtcl.velocity * dt

def particle_volume_density(mesh): “”” Compute particle volume from :math:V_p *= (1 + d\epsilon) and :math:density = density / (1 + \epsilon)

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for prtcl in mesh.particles:
    prtcl.volume *= (1 + prtcl.dstrain)
    prtcl.density = prtcl.density / (1 + prtcl.dstrain)

def particle_stress(mesh): “””Update particle stress based on dstrain.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
for particle in mesh.particles:

def locate_particles(mesh): “””Locate particle in the mesh and compute xi (natural coordinates) of the material points.

    mesh: mesh
        a mesh object
# clear particle list in elements
for element in mesh.elements:
    element.particles = []

for prtcl in mesh.particles:
    # get particle position
    xp = prtcl.x
    # for each element in mesh
    for el in mesh.elements:
        # verify the particle is inside the element
        prcl_in_cell, xi = el.compute_xi(xp)
        ncoords = np.array([node.x for node in el.nodes])
        if (prcl_in_cell):
            # update particle xi
            prtcl.xi = xi
            # update element in particle
            prtcl.element = el
            # update particle shapefns and grads
            prtcl.shapefn = el.shapefn.sf(xi)
            prtcl.dn_dx = el.shapefn.dn_dx(xi, ncoords)
            # add the particle to the element list
            # break element loop for testing other particle