Graduate courses

CE397: Scientific Machine Learning

CE397: Scientific Machine Learning

Scientific ML for Engineers.

Launch course
CE394M: Advanced analysis in geotechnical engineering

CE394M: Advanced analysis in geotechnical engineering

Numerical methods and plasticity for geotechnical engineering

Launch course
5R7: Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering

5R7: Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering

Numerical methods and plasticity for geotechnical engineering.

Launch course

Undergraduate course

CE311K: Introduction to Programming

CE311K: Introduction to Programming

Python - Watch YouTube Videos.

Launch course
CE357: Introduction to geotechnical engineering

CE357: Introduction to geotechnical engineering

Teaching geotech through murder mysteries

Case Study Paper

Other courses



Learn Material Point Method through python coding.

Launch course
accelerating python

Accelerating Scientific Python

The course explores Python acceleration through Cython, JAX and Numba

Launch Course

Designing large-scale applications in C++

Software patterns, templates and memory management for building large-scale C++ applications

Launch Course

Containers in HPC

[[Archive]] Docker and Singularity for HPC containers

Launch Course

Data analytics and machine learning with Spark

Apache Spark

Launch Course

LaTeX for beginners

From article to dissertation

Launch Course