The Lattice Boltzmann equation Method (LBM) is an alternative approach to the classical Navier-Stokes solvers for fluid flow and works on an equidistant grid of cells, called lattice cells, which interact only with their direct neighbours (He & Luo, 1997). The fluid domain is divided into a rectangular grid or lattice, with the same spacing ‘h’ in both the x- and the y-directions, as shown in the figure. Multiple Relaxation Time (MRT) with Large-Eddy Simulations is used to model turbulent behaviour at high Reynolds number.
Lattice Boltzmann approach can accommodate large grain sizes and the interaction between the fluid and the moving grains can be modelled through relatively simple fluid – grain interface treatments. Further, employing the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to account for the grain – grain interaction naturally leads to a combined LB – DEM procedure (Kumar, Soga, & Delenne, 2012). The Eulerian nature of the LBM formulation, together with the common explicit time step scheme of both LBM and DEM makes this coupling strategy an efficient numerical procedure for the simulation of grain – fluid systems.
Main features
- 2D Coupled LBM-DEM
- D2Q9 with Multiple Relaxation Time
- Large Eddy Simulations for turbulence modelling
The 2D version of the LBM-DEM code is now available at GitHub
The docker image of the LBM code is available at DockerHub
A hybrid Finite Element and Material Point Method for modeling liquefaction-induced tailings dam failures
Hosseini, R., Kumar, K.;
Multiphase lattice Boltzmann modeling of cyclic water retention behavior in unsaturated sand based on X-ray Computed Tomography
Wang, Q., Milatz, M., Hosseini, R., Kumar, K;
Investigating the source of hysteresis in the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve using the multiphase lattice Boltzmann method
Hosseini, R., Kumar, K., Delenne, J.Y.;
Effect Of Slope Angle On The Runout Evolution of Granular Column Collapse for Varying Initial Volumes
Wang, Q., Hosseini, R., Kumar, K.;
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2021
Effect of Initial Volume on the Run-Out Behavior of Submerged Granular Columns
Wang, Q., Hosseini, R., Kumar, K.;
GeoCongress 2021, Dallas, USA
Investigating the effect of porosity on the soil water retention curve using the multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Method
Hosseini, R., Kumar, K., Delenne, J.Y.;
Powders and Grains 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mechanics of granular column collapse in fluid at varying slope angles
Kumar, K.;
Delenne, J. Y.;
Soga, K.;
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 29(4), 529‑541.
Numerical study of a sphere descending along an inclined slope in a liquid
Zhang, C.;
Soga, K.;
Kumar, K.;
Sun, Q.;
Jin, F.;
Granular Matter, 19(4), 85.